[1]Q. Zhang, L. Cao, C. Shi* and Z. Niu, "Neural Time-Aware Sequential Recommendation by Jointly Modeling Preference Dynamics and Explicit Feature Couplings," in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, doi: 10.1109/TNNLS.2021. 3069058.中科院SCI 大类1区期刊
[2]An Lao, Chongyang Shi*, Yayi Yang, Rumor Detection with Field of Linear and Non-Linear Propagation, n Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021 (WWW '21). New York, NY, USA, 3178–3187. CCF A类会议
[3]Qi Zhang, Longbing Cao, Chongyang Shi*, Liang Hu, Tripartite Collaborative Filtering with Observability and Selection for Debiasing Rating Estimation on Missing-Not-at-Random Data, AAAI 2021, 4671-4678 ,CCF A类会议
[4]Xueliang Guo, Chongyang Shi*,Chuanming Liu, Intention Modeling from Ordered and Unordered Facets for Sequential Recommendation, International World Wide Web Conference(WWW), Taipei, China, 2020, 1127-1137,CCF A类会议
[5]Guangyi Hu, Chongyang Shi*, Shufeng Hao,Yu Bai, Residual-Duet Network with Tree Dependency Representation for Chinese Question-Answering Sentiment Analysis, 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval(SIGIR),Xi’an China,2020,1725-1728,CCF A类会议
[6]Qi Zhang, Chongyang Shi*,Zhendong Niu,Longbing Cao, HCBC: A Hierarchical Case-Based Classifier Integrated with Conceptual Clustering[J], IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE), 31(1):p152-165, 2019,CCF A类期刊
[7]Chaoqun Feng, Chongyang Shi*, Chuanming Liu, Qi Zhang, Shufeng Hao, Xinyu Jiang,Context-aware item attraction model for session-based recommendation,Expert Systems with Applications,Volume 176,2021,114834,中科院SCI小类1区期刊,TOP期刊
[8]Hufsa Mohsin, Chongyang Shi*: SPBC: A self-paced learning model for bug classification from historical repositories of open-source software. Expert Syst. Appl. 167: 113808 (2021),中科院SCI小类1区期刊,TOP期刊
[9]Lingkang Meng, Chongyang Shi*, Shufeng Hao, Xiangrui Su: DCAN: Deep Co-Attention Network by Modeling User Preference and News Lifecycle for News Recommendation. DASFAA (3) 2021: 100-114,CCF B类会议
[10]Xu Cao, Deyi Xiong, Chongyang Shi*, Chao Wang, Yao Meng, Changjian Hu: Balanced Joint Adversarial Training for Robust Intent Detection and Slot Filling. COLING 2020: 4926-4936,CCF B类会议
[11]Shufeng Hao, Chongyang Shi*, Zhendong Niu, Longbing Cao: Modeling positive and negative feedback for improving document retrieval,Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA). 120:p253-261, 2019, 中科院SCI小类1区期刊,TOP期刊
[12]Shufeng Hao, Chongyang Shi*, Zhendong Niu, Longbing Cao, Concept coupling learning for improving concept lattice-based document retrieval, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence(EAAI), v 69, p 65-75, 2018, 中科院SCI 2区期刊
[13]Qi Zhang, Chongyang Shi*, Ping Sun, Zhendong Niu, Case-Based Classification on Hierarchical Structure of Formal Concept Analysis, ECAI 2016 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence,v 285, p 1758-1759, 2016,CCF B类会议
[14]Qingxuan Zhang, Chongyang Shi*, Exploiting BERT with Global-Local Context and Label Dependency for Aspect Term Extraction, International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics(DSAA).2020,354-362, CCF C类会议
[15]Qingxuan Zhang, Chongyang Shi*, An Attentive Memory Network Integrated with Aspect Dependency for Document-Level Multi-Aspect Sentiment Classification, Asian Conference on Machine Learning(ACML). v101:p425-440,2019,CCF C类会议
[16]Yu, Haibin, Shi, Chongyang*, Zhang, Chunxia, Hearne, Ryan, Yu, Bai, Query Expansion Based on Formal Concept Analysis From Retrieved Documents, Journal of Internet Technology, 20(2): p409-421, 2019, SCIE
[17]Yu, Haibin, Shi, Chongyang*, Zhang, Chunxia, Hearne, Ryan, Yu, Bai, A New Digital Paper Search Paradigm Based on FCA, Journal of Internet Technology, 19(4):p1099-1110, 2018,SCIE
[18]Shi, Chongyang*, Yu, Bai, Niu, Zhendong, Qi, Zhang, Case retrieval based on formal concept analysis, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, v13,n7:p 4211-4222, 2016
[19]Chongyang Shi,Linjing Lai,Similarity Model Based on CBR and FCA,17th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, 2016 IEEE/ACIS 17th International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing, SNPD 2016:p597-603, July, 2016
[20]李维银,石玉龙,陈杰,施重阳*,基于分类模型的查询扩展方法,计算机科学,42(6): p18-22, 2015
[21]Xiangyu Zhao, Zhendong Niu, Wei Chen, Chongyang Shi, Ke Niu, Donglei Liu, A hybrid approach of topic model and matrix factorization based on two-step recommendation framework, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies, v44, n3:p335-53, 2015
[22]Sheng Huang,Zhendong Niu,Chongyang Shi,Automatic construction of domain-specific sentiment lexicon based on constrained label propagation,Knowledge-Based Systems,56(1):p191-200, SCI, 2014
[23]Xuejin Li, Zhendong Niu, Chongyang Shi ,An agent-based linked data integration system, The Fifth International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2014):p113-17, 2014
[24]Chunxia Zhang,Zhendong Niu,Chongyang Shi,Representation and Verification of Attribute Knowledge, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v8041 LNAI:p 473-482, 2013
6.太阳集团tyc539基础研究基金,20150742001,文本主题概念格关键技术研究 主持
7.太阳集团tyc539基础研究基金,20130742011,基于概念格的文本摘要构造研究 主持
8.企业横向 计算机生产**软件人机界面交互控制系统 主持
9.企业横向 重型军用车辆企业集团多项目协同管控平台应用示范 主持
[1] 教育部来华留学英语授课品牌课程,主讲人,教育部,2013
[2] 太阳集团tyc539优秀教育教学成果奖,主要参与人,太阳集团tyc539,2017
[3] 太阳集团tyc539研究生教育成果奖,主要参与人,太阳集团tyc539,2015
[4] 2018年北京市优秀高校毕业生(硕士生),导师,北京市,2018
[5] 太阳集团tyc539校级优秀班主任,太阳集团tyc539,2018
[1] ICDM NeuRec Workshop 2021 PC Chair
[2] IJCAI 2021 SPC,2018-2020 PC Member
[3] AAAI 2018-2021 PC Member
[4] SNPD 2016 Session Organizer
[5] ICGG 2016 Local Organizer